Application form

You are interested in Farm’Innov Acceleration Programme and want to apply for it?

There are a few things to know before entering the application process:

  • Please allow 2 hours at least for this, as substantiated answers will be expected from applicants.
  • A limit on the number of characters in the answers is imposed to give every applicant an equal chance.
  • We remind you that this programme is aimed primarily at senior executives or department managers.
  • You will be asked to provide some supporting documents before sending your application (BRS certificate of registration, Last Audited Financial Statements, Tax Compliance Certificate of the Company, Organisation chart, CV and motivation statement of up to two employees who wish to join the Acceleration Programme).
  • The use of these documents remains totally confidential. They will only be used in the context of this call for applications in order to select the most suitable candidates.
  • You can consult the detailed questions and supporting documents in this document to help you prepare your application.

We remind you that you can apply between 1st July and 15 October 2024. Now follow the instructions on the form below and let yourself be guided.

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